Life threatening situation? Always call 112


We think it is important to hear back how you experienced your contact with GP Urgent Care Center Northwest-Utrecht. Are you not satisfied and do you have a complaint? Please let us know. You can submit a complaint using a complaint form.

Would you like help submitting your complaint?

For information, advice and support on experienced bottlenecks with the GP Urgent Care Center, you can contact the National Healthcare Hotline. They will provide information about your options for resolving the complaint, answer questions and help with practical tips.

Reporting and registering your complaint

When you submit a complaint using the complaint form (in Dutch), your complaint is registered in our complaint system. View our complaint regulations (in Dutch).

Are you not satisfied with the handling of your complaint?

Has your complaint not been resolved to your satisfaction? Then you have the option of submitting your complaint to an independent complaints officer of the Stichting Klachten en Geschillen Eerstelijnszorg (Complaints and Disputes Foundation for Primary Care) (SKGE). Your complaint thus becomes a dispute. The disputes committee will handle your complaint and will inform you directly of its (binding) decision. For more information and other contact details, please visit the SKGE website.